The summer season is fantastic for so many reasons. For us students, school is out, and for most people a vacation of sorts awaits; for all blue skies and warm weather is the norm. However, in terms of fashion sometimes summer fashion can be hard to tackle. It’s so warm, so a T-shirts, flowy dresses and shorts are called for. However, if any of you are like me, these three options are both limiting and leave me with dual toned plain outfits. Summer is often when I feel most insecure about my outfits. However, I have come up with solutions to keep my outfits summery, but exciting. Here are four of those solutions:

Accessorize: One accessory I’ve discovered, which seems quite simple is a watch. In the past, I’ve simply worn watches to tell time and given them no further purpose, however in the past six months I’ve discovered that a person’s watch can tell a lot about a person’s style. I’ve been going for minimalist watch faces, with brown and black leather straps. However, there are endless possibilities, and added to a simple summer outfit a watch can bring everything together. Similarly, maybe you can add a baseball cap or very unique shoes to an outfit to personalize, while staying cool in the heat.
Be Bold: I often steer clear of anything with patterns or very bold prints. My trick is to layer simple pieces on top of one another, however, in the summer that can be an unsustainable solution as the weather can get pretty extreme, and wearing three layers is not an option. So I made the decision to wear bolder patterns and colours, and I’ve never looked back. While layering will always be my go-to, I have fully embraced the bold pattern look for summer. Paired with a subtle and elegant accessory, this look is perfect for summer. I’ve picked up a couple dresses with floral designs, and some tees with cute embroidery or graphics. If you find the right pieces you can still be true to you and be cool in the summer!

Put in the Effort: I will often find myself deflated during the summer, as I feel like I have nothing to wear, or what I do have to wear doesn’t reflect my personal style. What I’ve found helpful is actively working against that feeling and finding ways to work with what I have to make beautiful summer outfits. Just taking a quick glance into your closet or drawers might not be enough, set items out on flat surface and see what works and what doesn’t. Something I tend to do is take out those pieces I might not have worn in several years and find a new and exciting way to wear it.

Summer means warm weather and relaxing times, but can sometimes be stressful in terms of making fashion choices. In those situations, try using one of the three tips above to put together an outfit that stays true to you, while still allowing you to stay cool.