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TREnDS Workshop 2: Who are you becoming?

TREnDS Canada

We were back in Montreal on October 17th to deliver our second workshop – this time for grade 7 and 8 students. Our theme was making smart choices and on using your freedom to become the best version of yourself. As facilitator and former TREnDS Board member Sonia Padamadan highlights, part of choosing wisely is asking what kind of person we are becoming when we make certain choices. Am I growing in qualities that I admire in others?

Students also reflect on who a human person is and just how complexes we are, with not just a physical selves but an intellect, a spirituality and even a relational identify as friends and daughters. Girls worked in small groups to think about the different dimension of their personhood and what it means to dress in way does justice to the full picture of who we are.

The parting message was that we are all role models, communicating ourselves to the world and influencing others. Our words and actions matter, they can empower or they can limit – each of us matters a lot in transforming society. We have the power to present a positive and powerful message about girls and women and about our authentic and complex selves. In doing so, we encourage others to do the same. We don’t need celebrities to tell us what style is – we are all style creators!

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